Do you find yourself repeating familiar behaviors you can’t explain?
Often, these patterns stem from the brain’s stress response-where past trauma imprints on neural pathways, causing you to react in predictable, inherited ways.
Do you feel persistent anxiety or tension without a clear reason?
Unexplained anxiety may result from an overactive autonomic nervous system, where your body remains in a heightened state of alert due to past stress.
Haveyounoticed that your body reacts to stress much like your family members do?
Research shows that trauma can be passed down through generations, with the nervous system learning stress responses that feel almost automatic.
Doyousometimesfeel overwhelmed by emotions even when nothing obvious is triggering you?
This overwhelm could be linked to dysregulation in your HPA axis, which controls stress hormone levels, leaving you feeling constantly on edge.
Generational trauma is often invisible but its effects are very real. It shapes the way we think, react, and relate to others, often without us even realizing it.